The FFiles

The Truth is out there...

This section's purpose.....
For years, unexplainable phenomena were filed "X" in the FBI's databases......Well, here is where I collect unexplained and interesting objects from the Final Fantasy series. This project came about when I noticed some small similarities in the storylines of FF, which I had used to think were completely seperate. The Crystals, Mist, Summonings....these are all common occurences in more than one FF games. So this is where I'll be placing the questions, and the answers. I'll warn you, though- this section is over the top, and generally tries to figure out the mysteries that were put in the games probably only because the writers had been up all night (you know the way things always sound so easy and...obvious at 1 a.m.).

***************!!SPOILER ALERT!!***************
The Files

The Crystals

What are the crystals? In most Final Fantasies, there is some place for them.....the most recent ones being good examples. In FF7, the materia system. Small crystal orbs containing power, or "wisdom of the ancients". Even though there were no references to the crystals themselves, the materia system is significant, if only by coincidence.
I'm lost to think of an example of the crystals in FF8, but FF9 had them at the end. Kuja sought to destroy everything, by shattering the great crystal, the beginning of everything. After his defeat, he used the last of his power to bring about the destruction of the crystal, causing the huge creature called Necron to come and claim the exsistence of all life. This is important!
FF7 was the first in the series to kick it off in the mainstream outside Japan, and for many gamers (myself included) FF7 was the first Final Fantasy they played. However, I've played some of the earlier games, and the entire plot of some revolve around the idea of the crystals. FF2 saw the King of Baron gathering crystals from other Kingdoms by force, for some use (I don't know exactly..never played it through to the end) and you were to stop him. FF5, on the other hand, saw the crystals, 8 of them if I remember correctly, becoming unstable. Due to the fact you were in the right place at the right time, you were granted the power of the crystals, and set out to save the others and harness their power. Now, like I said, I haven't played the earlier games much, and I'm going to track down someone who has to help me, but it seems to me that the shattering of the crystals may have some links to the later games. Well, that's all I can say for now, but I'm going to do some serious research on the subject.

Summons, GF's & Eidolons.

Well, here's another one. The monsters bound by your power to help you...they crop up in every game. Useful, too. But they're not an original creation at all. They are merely recreations of religious and folkloric gods. From A to B, they're nearly all creations from myth. Examples? Okay:
Cerberus, the three-headed demon hound from Greek mythology, said to guard the gates of hell, captured by Herakles (Hercules) as one of his labours (read about it at your library).

Quezacotl,(did I spell that right?)Aztec Thunder God, also conveniently a thunder GF in FF8.

Pheonix, the legendary bird that rises from the ashes in a glorious rebirth, with the power of flame. I believe it belongs to several cultures, though prominently Chinese.

Bahamut, King of the Dragons. I don't know of his prescise origin, but Dragons exsist in nearly all cultures, including chinese, japanese, and most european areas. Judging by the way he's recreated on screen, he is likely of European origin, as oriental dragons are serpent-like.

Odin, the Norse God of War, and King of the Gods. In myth, he did indeed ride on his great steed and with his powerful lance, and he was invoked for victory, and was so powerful he could change his shape at will.

Shiva, an Indian god. He (yes, he) was a destructive force of death and oblivion, appearantly. Why on earth he became female and and an ice woman is pretty much a mystery.

I think that's enough. The Summons are probably always going to be a bit mysterious, becuase they appear in every game with no connection to the last, often looking completely different.


For those who don't know, this guy is from FF9, and he's the super-boss that's put in to add some difficulty and replay value to the game. He's pretty damn hard, but other than that, what is Ozma? He basically just turns up. An interesting newsgroup conversation I once had on this point put forward a number of ideas. One was the fact that Ozma looks very much like a materia orb. That's true, but there is another idea far more likely than that. For those who've met him, Ozma is, basically, a globe. And his two halfs have different patterns on them, which I can't make out, but they could very well represent the fusion of Gaia and Terra. Think about it. It makes sense. Mene says that the power inside the cave, and I quote, is: "....otherworldy, kupo". As in, from another world. So, maybe Ozma is the product of the power released when the planets colide? This is one of those thing's we'll probably never know about...


Haven't got any advanced theories about this guy. Maybe he's just the Grim Reaper for the Crystal. I don't think there was any sense behind this guy, they just put him in because the fashion in games is "you thought it was over, but it's not" style of thing. Anyone got any ideas?

Ultimecia (from FF8)

Who the hell is she? A sorceress inherits her powers from a previous sorceress, and as far as I know, there's only two power lines in the world- Adel and Rinoa. Now, we don't actually know which one Ultimecia got her power from, but the fact that she took a personal interest in Rinoa might mean that it's Rinoa's power. Of course, we don't know how far in the future that was, and there's always the possibility that Ultimecia could be Rinoa herself in the future!

FF7's Ending

Now, it could be just me, but I didn't understand how the story finished in FF7. Oh, I know what happened, I just don't understand it. I mean, I don't get exactly how Cloud got Zack's memories in his head, but from what I gather it's because of a mental problem where he reinvented his past...? I must have it wrong. And the end itself, too. Like, you beat Sephiroth, then suddenly you're in a one-on-one swordfight, and then the whole thing explodes, the meteor hits the ground, holy fights it, then it reappears with Red XIII running around a destroyed Midgar, what was it? 300 years later? Never got it.