Master Gourmand! Quina Quen's
Blue Magic Cookbook

You want know where good yummie-yummies are? Quina tell!
All over world be lots of yummies! Tastys have magics! Quina must learn lots magic to go far along way of Gourmand. Eat meanies, you do! They yummie!

NameDescriptionLearned FromMP
Goblin PunchPhysical attackGoblin4
Lvl5 DeathKO's enemies with lvls multiple of 5DracozombieMP
Lvl4 HolyHoly damage to enimies wit lvl multiple of 4Feather CircleMP
Lv3Def-lessReduces defence of enimies with level multiple of 3Lizard Man12
DoomKO's after 10-sec countdownVeteranMP
RouletteRandomly KO's an ally/enemyZombieMP
Aqua BreathWater attack on all enimiesLearned From14
Mighty GuardShell/Protect on all alliesSerpion64
Matra MagicAttack all enimiesDragonfly8
Bad BreathStatus effects all enimiesMarlboro16
Limit GlobeNon-elemnt. damage when at 1 HPAxe BeakMP
1000 NeedlesDoes 1000 damageCactuar8
Pumpkin HeadDoes damage=max hp-current hpSkeleton12
NightCauses Sleep to all enimiesAbomination14
TwisterWind damage to all targets.Red DragonMP
Earth ShakeEarth damage to enemies.AdamantoiseMP
Angel SnackUses "Esuna" on all alliesMistodon4
Frog DropDamage depends on no. of frogs Quina has caught.Gigan ToadMP
White WindCures allies(not fully)Zemelezet14
VanishStops a character being damaged by physical attacks Hornet 8
FrostFreezes an enemy for a while.WraithMP
Mustard BombHeats an enemy-KO if action taken.BombMP
Magic HammerReduces MPVice2
Auto-LifeCharacter comes back to life with 1 hp; must be cast before death-14

Rythym & BLUES
Blue Magic might not be the best of attack skills, but it is highly useful. Only Quina can use it. Some spells such as Goblin Punch are worthless later on, but spells like Mighty Guard (Shell, Protect on everyone) and Bad Breath (Confusion, Poison, etc. on all enemies) are priceless, not to mention the great Magic Hammer, which knocks away huge amounts of MP from the enemy.

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