This is a Final Fantasy site by Master Vivi Ornitier. I've got guides, secrets, tips, and little extras here. I hope you enjoy your stay!
My yahoo ID is :masterviviorniter & my msn is mastervivi_ornitier
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Master Vivi Ornitier
So what is Final Fantasy?
Final Fantasy is the best game series ever made. Seriously. It's a story led RPG that gets better and better as you play. An RPG usually has dragons, wizards, and bad guys- and they're in FF, but none of them are doing things the usual way. Take control of a young man, trying to make a simple living -then find yourself caught up in a huge quest to save the world, full of the most low-down evil villains, and the greatest heroes. What makes FF games so great is thier story. The storyline of these games would put any hollywood blockbuster to shame, and these games take advantage of the fact you are actually involved. You'll soon become attatched to your favourite characters, caring for them and sharing their victories and defeats. I've met quite a few people on the net who have admitted to crying when one of the main characters died in one of the games..... and I felt a twinge of sadness too, as did everyone who played this game. Please, buy any Final Fantasy game and become addicted.
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