09 December 2001
Go to Square's website and check out the voices they've posted there- it's a bit weird to hear them talking! Anyway, I'm waiting for FFX to re-spark my interest and motivate me to write for this site again.
20 October 2001
So long without an update! Well, I'm hoping to make up for it. I've added the FF11 info section, which includes screenshots, and I'm starting an enhanced FF10 section, getting ready to put in all the guides, characters, etc. Oh, by the way, WE BEAT ENGLAND! (six nations match). I'm in a good mood :)
14 September 2001
This site's mad at me. I forgot its birthday. This site turned 1 year old on the 16th August, 2001. So, to make up for it, I gave it a complete makeover, combining the two most successful layouts I've used so far to make this frame-enhanced, tabled site. TA-DA! I would've had it up earlier, but it was infected with a virus that I've since been able to eradicate. Sign the guestbook and tell me what you think.