26 July 2001
Final Fantasy X is now released in Japan, again to much acclaim. Also, the Final Fantasy movie has been out for almost a month, and is appearantly pretty good....I haven't seen it, since Europe comes last, again. I think I'm going to start specific sections for FFVII - FFXI, and the earlier games if I get around to it.
07 July 2001
Hi! I've totally recast the site. What do you think? It's a bit more image - heavy, but looks better for it. And the frames menu means the site's a whole lot more accessible. I put a fair lot of work into it, but I think it was worth it. But the contents the same- ie, brilliant. 0_0 Final Fantasy X is ready to launch in Japan, and for the Americans, the FF movie is out on the 11th July. Europeans will have to wait for later this month.
30 June 2001
Hey all! I've been busy- wrote the The FFX info section , updating the chocobo guide and I've luanched a new venture- The FF Files, where I gather unknown, mysterious, or questionable items from the FF series, such as Ultimecia-who is she? What is Ozma? Is there any constant story between the games? I'd love to hear from other confused players...
15 June 2001
I've just got back from my summer holidays, so I'll start updating soon. I'm going to add detail to the chocobo section and make the card section more informative. Oh, and if you're wondering, FFX was lacking at the E3 convention. But, Nintendo showed a hell of lot of Gamecube power, and it's only going to be $199 in the US, released alongside XBox(which was going to be $299. Now, Ahh....(stretches) 2 and a half months without school...
22 May 2001
Hello again! I've just won a national award for critical writing, so I'm feeling pretty pleased (I get a nice Trophy, a movie workshop, an awards ceremony, and later on in the summer I go on a trip to London with the 9 other winners). The Tokyo game show's just passed, and E3 too, so I'm going to start the FF10 section! -MasterVivi
13 May 2001
Minor changes, and I added a counter! That's why it's so low, it's new, okaY? Oh, and the "Data that the Plugin.." thing on Internet Explorer is a server problem, it'll soon be corrected.
8 May 2001
Hello, again. Uploaded the chocobo guide(though at the moment it's more or less just a map showing Chocograph locations) which I hope you'll find useful, also can someone help ABOUT OZMA! I beat Hades, Kuja and Necron no hassle, but this thing is impossible! Well, anyway, I'm also helping out with Final Fantasy Heaven an established site that's going to relaunch soon.
5 May 2001
Sigh. I've decided to take down the background music on every page except the music page itself, since it seems to crash people's pcs. I'm also about to start work on a chocobo page, so that'll be ready for the next update, as will the secrets page- about the legendary synthesist and Ozma, etc.
1 May 2001
The first day of summer dawned, and so did a new idea. You're looking at it. I've put an evening's work into this scroll box, inspired by Video Gamer X's sites. I've had to do fiddly changes to make it work, and it's worth bugger all if you're using a rubbish browser, but who doesn't use IE these days? Well, the rest of the place has had minor changes and updates, so browse around to find them.
28 April 2001
I really should work on Link's Legacy....nah. Updated numerous pages, and I'm still looking for art. By the way, you should all really visit Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 's website. It's on the FF movie, out this summer. It's about aliens and dreams and a battle for mankind. That didn't work well in FF8, but the movie industry is completely different.....
23 April 2001
The updates are coming frequently, eh? I added the Artwork page which I hope you'll all submit to, and fixed minor glitches. If you ever draw FF9 characters, send them in via a scanner (or file if you compose digital art) and I'll add them. I can read almost every image format-bmp, gif, jpeg, tif, etc, so click choco to send some in!
20 April 2001
Totally rehauled the music on each page, using the <embed> tag to improve sound quality. Updated minor areas, began a vivi page. He deserves it for being the coolest character in FFIX, or any other game for that matter. I've started to play Black & White, and it's causing me major headaches because it keeps crashing! Still a great game, though.
11 April 2001
Okay, fixed stuff mainly, like the links, etc. Updated the music page (if you're the person who constructed the songs in digital format, please don't sue!). Added things to the characters and mini-games pages. On another note, would anyone like to submit articles/art/music/thoughts? I've got 50 megabytes to fill, so I can afford the space to publish it!
3 April 2001
Not much to report. Fixed the music on IE and Netscape, and added a Sub-Quest & Mini-Guide section containing the Stellazio locations, etc. Added more to the Eidolon section- did you know Atomos can take up to 9999 HP off the enemy? Click here to see it. Soon I'll publish a chocobo guide, including how to get a fantastic Gold Chocobo.
30 March 2001
Decided to alter the site to conform with Link's Legacy. I think it looks better for it. You can tell me what you think by Signing the Guestbook. I've managed to track down Melodies Of Life music for the homepage. I've finally got my internet connection operating properly once again, so this site will no longer have any long delays between updates.
21 February 2001
I'm tearing through FFIX right now, and have made a decsision on the guides. I'll be doing boss and sub-quest guides, and maybe an item one, but I'm not going to wreck the game by giving a step-by step guide. These type of games don't give as much enjoyment with a guide, so I'm just covering the fundamentals and difficult spots.
24 January 2001
First update of 2001! Well, next month sees the European release of FFIX, so I'm going to have to get my act together. I plan to expand the musical library, add art, history, and fact pages, and put up a walkthrough and sub-quest guides. I'll be adding the guides as I actually play through the game, because I'm not going to ruin the story and adventure by using a guide. You shouldn't either.
15 December 2000
Wow! A month without an update. Well it doesn't matter because FFIX is yet again delayed. I've got to say I prefer the 50megs server rather than searchalot. In the mean time, I've used 50megs to construct Link's Legacy, my new Zelda site! I got a copy of Majora's Mask, so I decided to make another site while I wait for FFIX. I'm DEFINETLY getting my Playstation 2 and GAMECUBE chipped when I get them. You don't have those problems with the Game Boy. A few lucky people are playing Pokémon Gold/Silver now on import.
12 November 2000
I know it seems I haven't updated in a while, but I have! I've overhauled much of the site and added a navigation menu on the left hand side, making the homepage more manageable, but it won't work with older browsers. But sureley gamesplayers would bother to get decent software to use? I've also added a visitors poll for interactivity, and made white, black and summon magic, as well as the trance status active in the skills and abilities section. At this point, the site is so small I can spare space for ANY articles, thoughts, or questions on Final Fantasy.I can't keep this site running by myself!
29 August 2000
Hello again! I've added some new artwork to the main page, placed new music (the FF9 battle theme) and added a counter. In addition I'm considering moving the site to a new domain- so I won't have those annoying (yet useful)searchalot banners. Tell me what you think. Also, I'm looking for people to write articles- on any Final Fantasy game. Wheteher you're a web wizard who wants to help a newbie with his site, a veteran gamer who remembers FF1, or someone who just wants to rant on, write an e-mail with no attatchments and send it me, The Master of Fantasy.
23 August 2000
Have you tried the Napster program? It's causing a lot of controversy because it lets you get ANY piece of music for free off the net.
Download it now before it gets scrapped by the big G.
16th August 2000
GRAND OPENING!!! Online for the first time ever! Welcome one and all to my first HTML created website. Please excuse the bad links and incomplete pages, but construction takes longer than you'd think. Please give me your input, because I'd like to know what you want. After all, I aim to please.