Master Vivi Vivi Ornitier's Shrine Page

Why would someone dedicate a page to Vivi? WHY? You have PLAYED Final Fantasy 9, haven't you? If not, it's summed up below:


The Vivi factor is difficult to explain, but if you take the best parts of everything a character could have and mix them together, then give the product two yellow eyes, a big hat and a small blue waistcoat and you're beginning to get it.

If you're still doubtful, here's some things about Vivi:


  • He's only 9 years old.
  • He can shoot fire, ice, lightning and a lot else out of his fingers.
  • He's really small, and wears a hat bigger then he is.
  • He has had an insanely troubled childhood.
  • He's on a quest for enlightenment, the meaning of life, etc...
  • Everyone ignores him.
  • Everyone pushes him around.
  • Everyone runs away from him.
  • Everyone tries to hurt him.
  • He's smart and says some really deep things from time to time.
  • He's REALLY shy and introvert.

    See? I could go on for ages, but I'm too lazy. I'm not the only one who thinks Vivi kicks ass. There are several sites, shrines, clubs and all matter of other things dedicated to Vivi. Two of the best are the Black Mage Society and The Vivi Protection Society , which you should check out.

    I Support The Vivi Protection Society!!!

    Click the link above to join VPS- you must have a website, ok?

    Vivi's most use in the game are his Black Magic skills, which allow him to blast things with: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Wind, Comets, Meteors, Gravity, Flares, Water and Death magic, can cast Sleep, Stop & Slow magic, Can Drain energy and magic with Drain & Aspeel, and petrify things with Break.

    A world of pain.........
    Something which I don't seem to understand is the mixed feelings towards Vivi. My Yahoo! ID is masterviviorniter Ahh.... (there's a typo in there- I left out an "i") and upon entering some Final Fantasy rooms, some people are friendly, some instsantly add me to their friends list and some people, usually having names of the bad guys in the games, or a stupid name like "no_shit_needed" try to insult and "hurt" me for no particular reason. And this gets me rather confused. And, although I might get in trouble for stereotyping, it seems the girls tend to like me, either because Vivi's character is a bit like a teddy, or because, as is well known, nearly all the assholes on the net are guys.

    So what's with Vivi? People who don't go for this RPG stuff probably won't like him coz' he's a mage, and they wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole, people who have played the games love him, with the exception of the bad guys, and . So I really wonder what the general concencus is.....good character, stupid walking black cloud, or sweet little boy? I think Vivi is sound, whatever way you look at it.

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