Normal Abilities

StealSteals an item from an enemy.0MP
FleeWill cause your party to flee from the battle with 100% success. 0MP
DetectDetect an enemy's items, making it harder to steal.0MP
What's That!?Causes a back attack in your favour.2MP
Soul Blade Draws out Zidane's weapons power. 6MP
AnnoyCauses trouble to the target4MP
SacrificeZidane sacrifices himself to give full HP and MP to allies. 32MP
Lucky SevenIf last no, in HP is 7, it does 7777 damage.6MP
ThieveryDeals physical damge to a target.8MP

Zidane's abilities are rather unique- they use little MP, but some (Annoy, Sacrifice, Lucky Seven) are utterly useles unless you're in a certain situation. Thievery is a good attack, because stealing increases damage. What's That!? is sometimes useful to buy you time, and Sacrifice is great if everyone's on 1HP.

Darkness SwordDoes shadow damage, at a cost.0
Minus StrikeDamage=Max HP - Current HP0
Iai StrikeCauses KO0
Power BreakReduces the target's attack power.0
Armor BreakLower's target's defence.0
Mental BreakLowers target's magic defence.0
Magic BreakReduces the target's magic power.0
Charge!Makes near death allies attack.0
Thunder SlashLightning enhanced physical attack.0
Stock BreakReduces all targets to 1HP.0
ClimmhazardVery powerful physical attack.0
ShockVery powerful physical attack.0

LancerReduces target's HP and MP.10MP
Reis's WindCasts Regen on entire party.12MP
White DrawReplenishes all allies HP36MP
Six Dragons I *think* it switches HP.28MP
Luna Casts Berserk on allies and enimies alike. 12MP
Cherry BlossomNon-elemental damage.46MP
Dragon CrestDoes damage to all targets, depending on amount of Dragons defeated.16MP
Dragon Breath Strong Dragon attack.??

Freya's Techniques are a mix of attack and healing skills. Lancer slices down enemy HP and MP, which is always useful. Reis' Wind is a vital survival skill early on, casting Regen on everyone. All the "Dragon" skills are unusual- Dragon Crest does damage according to the Dragon monsters you've wasted, and 6 dragons...I'm not actually sure what it does, but it seems to switch HP figures.

CurseMakes a target weak to an elemental property.
Spare ChangeDamages enemy with Gil.
AuraCasts Auto-life and Regen on a target.
ChakraRestores one allies' HP and MP.
Revive Raises an ally from KO.
Demi Shock Does Gravity damage to one target.
Secret Punch of Prophecy Kills a single target.

Like Freya, unusual. Chakra, Aura, and Revive are very useful for healing, whereas Spare Change and "Throw" are good, alternate ways of attacking, keeping your options open. Of course, Gravity Fist I love (Gravity damage is great on almost everything) and Secret Punch is like Odin's blade.

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